2024: Please note that Dr Miric is not taking new patients at this time.

Information for Patients

19 Nov 2014

Coping with holiday stress

This time of the year is often hard for people who suffer from mental health issues since there are extra pressures on finances, relationships and reminders of loved ones who may not be with us. A few simple tips to cope 1) Sleep: One of the most important things for maintaining mood stability is ensuring good sleep patterns. If you have been my patient you know how much I emphasize this. This article by Dr Colinda Linde is one of my favourite on the topics. 2) Substances: It’s a very tempting time of the year, especially for those who struggle […]
19 Nov 2014

A tragic case of a depressed mother

Women’s Mental Health is once again in the spotlight after the sentencing of Tania Clarence for manslaughter for the deaths of her children. I can’t comment on that specific case, but it did make me think of a few things. One of the things that it highlighted was the need for support of women who are looking after disabled children. The amount of emotional strain they experience is unfathomable, especially in the face of a child with a terminal illnesses. Carer fatigue and depression is common, and mental health services can help a little to ease the carers suffering. Support […]
25 Nov 2014

I really don’t want to take psychiatric medication

“I really don’t want to take any medication/ I’m not happy with taking medication” is a statement I hear on an almost daily basis from my patients. I get it, I get why taking psychiatric medication can be really hard for most people. When I ask my patients what their reason is for not taking medications, I hear a variety of answers, most of which are misconceptions. The truth is that when most people finally consult with a psychiatrist they have tried many other avenues of help: – exercise, natural medications, therapy, and trials of psychiatric medication that haven’t helped. […]
29 Nov 2014

What is depression?

Depression is a very overused word in society. “I’m so depressed” and ” This is so depressing” are commonly used phrases. True depression in the clinical sense is more complicated than this. Sadness is a common human emotion, and it is commonly brought about by loss. Loss of spouse, child, business, home can all cause you to feel sad. Sadness is a normal human emotion which is felt acutely and then slowly resolves. So, when does sadness become depression? I’m often faced with this question, and have to tease out exactly what is going on. Depression is an intense chronic […]