2024: Please note that Dr Miric is not taking new patients at this time.
19 Nov 2014

A tragic case of a depressed mother

Women’s Mental Health is once again in the spotlight after the sentencing of Tania Clarence for manslaughter for the deaths of her children. I can’t comment on that specific case, but it did make me think of a few things. One of the things that it highlighted was the need for support of women who are looking after disabled children. The amount of emotional strain they experience is unfathomable, especially in the face of a child with a terminal illnesses. Carer fatigue and depression is common, and mental health services can help a little to ease the carers suffering. Support […]
04 Dec 2014

Finding professional help for depression in South Africa

There are a few ways to find help for treatment of depression. In the private sector, initially I would advise approaching a general practitioner who can confirm the diagnosis and start treatment if necessary. Alternatively, make an appointment with a psychologist in your area and discuss your concerns with him/her. If your depression is complicated and not responding well to treatment, I would recommend that you see a psychiatrist for a more intense assessment. In the public sector there are local mental health clinics in all districts ( definitely in Gauteng). Go to your local clinic and ask to see […]